The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) website provides general information only, gathered from various sources. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare provider for any health concerns. DBSA does not endorse or guarantee specific medications or treatment outcomes, and our information is intended for educational purposes only. Using this website, you acknowledge that you have been advised to consult a qualified healthcare professional and understand that DBSA is not liable for any outcome.
DBSA Depression Connection is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
EIN: 99-3019400. Donations are tax-deductible.
Copyright © 2024 Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, Northridge CA Chapter. DBSA Depression Connection - All Rights Reserved.
You're Not Alone.
Mood disorders can leave people feeling weak, hopeless, helpless, and even worthless, possibly leading to suicidal ideations. Join a community of welcoming, empathetic, and intelligent individuals who understand and where you can find your voice in a safe, confidential, and compassionate environment alongside people from all walks of life who get it. By joining a group, you will not only receive support, but you will also be helping others - scroll down to see the meeting schedule. We hope to see you.